Saturday, September 23, 2006


Sock Knitting Saturday

I'm working on a sweater for a friend's nephew and it's nearing completion. Here's a picture of the WIP. I had to get the ok about the red trim on the bottom, before beginning the sleeves. This is a pattern I've patched together using several different top down patterns, but mostly I used Paton'sUpside-Downers Pullovers Book # 500719. If you use this link you may want to scroll down the page aways to find the blurb on this excellent top down book. Here's a picture of the sweater so far.

Today was the last day of my sock knitting class at the Yarn Market in Beulah, MI. I taught this sock class before, so it was fun and not too stressful. I am amazed however, at how different people read patterns, and how tough it is to write a really clear pattern that includes all the info a new sock knitter could need or want. This class was all about learning to knit socks from the top down with two circular needles. I am familiar with this method, and so thought writing my own pattern would be a piece of cake, but not so. I use lots of handouts and have a few demonstration pieces available too, but most folks just learn by trial and error. Luckily it was a 3 week/2 hour class so there was plenty of time to help each of the six knitters quite a bit. Michelle the owner is a lovely warm person who is always cheerful and very helpful to all. She'll mail out yarn I'm sure if anyone needs to order online. Also, her shop is quite large and has a bead shop in the back, if you're ever in northern Michigan and have some time to spend looking at yummy yarn.

First time visitor to your blog. I love your sweaters but I'm particularly fond of your grandson. What a little cutie! Grandchildren are fun to knit for because it's like giving them hugs even when you aren't there.
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