Sunday, September 30, 2007


Almost October

Here is a picture of grandson Jerome that I took last week when I was downstate. He is such a fun kid, and we played all kinds of "pretend" games. His favorite seems to be serving me coffee from Beaners. LOL Apparently he and dad stop there on the way to work in the morning. The playdough also affords a lot of pretend play, and we have eaten quite a few "pancakes". We bought a few small Halloween items, but only jack-o-lanterns. He said "NO" to ghosts and skeletons. Toooooo scary.

Fall is here---and it seems to have just sneaked in again. Suddenly the leaves are not green anymore, and the garden is looking decidedly bedraggled. We emptied out the fish pond today. We had quite the surprise. Our 8 large goldfish are doing fine, and we have 8 babies!!! We thought we only had two babies!!! There were a lot of pond plants this year, and the parrot weed was especially thick, so apparently a few escaped their cannibal parents. I'm glad I set up the 15 gallon tank, as they need all this extra room now. The fish are not so happy to be out of the pond, but they seem to adjust rather quickly as long as we keep the food coming.

He's adorable! Playdough pancakes are the best however they can be quite filling.
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