Saturday, December 27, 2008


almost 2009

I just figured I'd wrap up the new year while I had a few days to spare. John and I are off to Fla early Wednesday am and will arrive at our digs on 1/1/09. We're headed to Sebring this year which is in the middle of the state. Friends Ed and Duffy have lived there for awhile now, and we enjoyed our visit with them last year so much that we decided to rent and see how much more fun we could have. It's on a large lake called Istokpoga. Here's a blurb.

Lake Istokpoga
Lake Istokpoga, at 27,692 acres, is the fifth largest lake in the state of Florida. The lake is generally shallow, averaging only 4 to 6 feet in depth. The major tributaries to Lake Istokpoga are Josephine Creek and Arbuckle Creek, which are located in the northwest and north areas of the Lake, respectively. Water is discharged from the Lake through two major outlets: the Istokpoga canal that flows to the Kissimmee River and the S-68 Canal that flows through a series of canals to both Lake Okeechobee and the Kissimmee River. A reduction of high lake levels has provided the catalyst for development around shores of the Lake, including agriculture (citrus and caldium farms), pasture land, residential and commercial establishments. Many areas adjacent to the Lake that once flooded seasonally or infrequently are now drained. The lake is treasured by local residents for its recreational and scenic qualities. It is also an important regional resource that is being studied as part of the Kissimmee River Restoration Project and the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Project (CERP).

So now you know. LOL We had never heard of before last year, so its been a nice learning experience for us. We look forward to a month's worth of great sunshine, friends and fishing, and hopefully tennis, if I can round up some partners.

Here's the updated grandkids pix: Jerome is 3 and a half and Willow is almost 5 months. It's going to be tough to be away from them for a whole month. John says I'll survive and he's probably right. Click on the small pix for a big shot of major cute.

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